Mail Order Brides - who are they?

International marriage agencies call the girls like this.
People still want to love and to be loved. Therefore, many American men look for their happiness across the ocean. Especially fast the “industry” of international marriages began to develop with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the market of foreign brides, which earlier consisted mainly of Asian women, replenished with European beauties. And like lightning, a rumor spread that the best girlfriends are the residents of the former USSR.
Every year, from 4 to 6 thousand of Ukrainian girls marry Americans. The most popular of foreigners among Ukrainian women are French, Germans and Americans. For example, if at the same time an Egyptian, a German and an Indian will write to a Ukrainian lady, than, most likely, the Hindu will be the last to whom she will answer.
The ideal woman: How men see her?
Ideal is something dreamy and non-existent. However, there are a number of qualities that should have a woman in order to the man could call her perfect. These qualities are gossiped by any blog and public on the web. And that's where we have addressed for the reasoning of guys about their ideals. The girl should be such that even not made up looks better than those who have tons of make-up. She should be well-groomed. As to the character, the ideal is the one with which you feel comfortable under any circumstances. (Iaroslav, 23 years)
This girl is not like the leggy model, her face would unlikely be chosen for the cover of a fashion magazine. But in her appearance there is something that attracts, arouses interest, soothes and leads to mindless happiness to look at her. The ideal girl won’t overdo with her make-up, knows where to draw the line with her clothes and won’t allow men to stare at her charms. Sometimes a simple ribbon in her hair makes men crazy.
We all know that modern girls are capricious and faithless. An ideal girl does not want to be like everyone else, that is why she does not make scenes about trifles. She does not set ultimatums in style: “If you do not buy this watch, I take offense on you.” She does not vent anger at her husband because of the fact that the chef called her a chicken. And she does not alter the beloved with another man just because “I could not resist the aroma of his deodorant.”
So, the ideal woman is a kind of manifestation of weak half of humanity that does not cause any negative feelings, is good-looking, good in bed, smart, unpretentious, stable. Of course, many may disagree with me. Maybe because their image of the ideal woman is different (what is definitely true, because we are all different).
The Best Movies about Mail Order Brides
The films about European women have been made for a long time. Some of the most popular are “Mail Order Bride”, “Birthday Girl”, “I Was a Mail Order Bride” and “Russian Bride”.
Reviews of our agency’s clients who have found their soul mates.
I met with Valentina on the site. She add her profile to site We exchanged letters six months .Then I came to Kiev to meet her. In life, she was even better than in pictures. Then a few months later, she visited me in Ireland, met with my family and saw my life. We started planning to get married. I prepared a lot of paperwork to do so. Finally, in August 2013 we were married in the Orthodox Church in Kiev. Before that, I got permission from the Irish church). And we registered our marriage in Ukrainian state institution. Our families blessed us in this marriage.
I am very happy to have found Valentina. She is preparing documents for Departure now and I 'm waiting for her in our Irish house!
Thank you! Lourance, Ireland
Adam (1000275737) & Yana (1000234375)
Adam: It was my friend who recommended to me this dating website. I am bilingual and was looking for a girl who could speak both English and French too..After couple of months of the search I met Yana. We fell in love when talking on the phone and to my relief our first meeting just confirmed my expectations. During my second trip to Ukraine I met Yana's parents and we immidiately liked each other. We spend one year travelling to each other and then I proposed to her. We had a beautiful wedding last August..Our family life just started and we hope to share our life journey ..
 Einar Medby, einar.medby@bluezone.no, Inna & Einar
ID: 1000186204 Inna
ID:1000145673 Einar
In the very beginning, I would like to thank you, this web site and Mariupol local agency "Olympya" for meeting my wife Inna. At once after registration in your site I have noticed Inna's profile. Her profile and pictures showed me that Inna knows what she wants from this service. We started communication and after several letters we were making plans for the meeting. We both realized that only personal meeting could help us to understand if we can be a couple or not. So after several weeks of our correspondence we met each other. We chose Kiev as the place for our date. I wanted everything to be perfect and romantic winter atmosphere of the capital made it real. We were together only three days but it was enough for us to realize that we are created for each other. After the year of dating we made the next step and decided to marry on the 25th of December 2010. So, making a conclusion I want to wish everyone good luck in the search and hopefully you will find your beloved.
Einar Medby, Norway
