Why are Russian brides so popular? Interesting statistics

“You're still ahead of the entire planet in two things: you have a stunning ballet and gorgeous women”, the words of a foreigner about Russia. Now we will not speak about the ballet, but we will try to understand why brides from Russia or “shaggy gold” are so popular in the civilized world.
Firstly, unlike many Muslim countries, Russian women can “market goods by face”, and not only. We do not have taboo like “do not look under the veil before the wedding” and if get acquainted through a dating site, you can see not only the face, but a candid nude too. Is it good or bad – the question is certainly debatable, but the risk to take “a crocodile under a kerchief” when marrying a Russian woman is lower than marrying an Arab. And even if she was greeted at the airport and can not remotely resemble her photos in the profile – nobody force you to marry her just because now you see her true face, right?
Secondly, there are some universal signs of beauty: a wide cut of eyes, a straight nose, a white skin… And Russian women have many of these signs. Incidentally, there is need to clarify one more detail: in practice, the specific black-skinned woman, for example, may be much more attractive than the particular white-skinned one. And if you take a quite particular European, you may find out that he goes crazy about the girls from the country of the rising sun. But most civilized people (i.e., raised on world literature and world cinema) are aware of two women only that one of them has a yellowish tinge of the skin, and the other one has a wide shape of the eyes, and will say that the second should be more beautiful.
And there is another feature: the mass of white-skinned men dream about sex with a woman of another race, but as the wife sees a woman like him. This does not always mean that he marries such a woman, but purposefully going to look for a wife in another country externally, he just cuts off all the candidates of other races before the start of the search.